Bitten, a Tragedy follows Lydia, a Black queer woman living in Philadelphia. At a Philly rave, ancestral warfare wreaks havoc on the bloodline of an unfortunate party goer, connecting Lydia to a world of blood, ritual, secrets and vengeance.
In African Traditional Religon (ATR), the concept of ancestral warfare exists. DB is the living legacy of their family, of which an ancestor (their great grandmother) murdered a maid during the time of the east coast riots. While DB is now 'radical' and a member of the queer subculture, their racist lineage manifests into microaggression. Lydia, is a different sort of vampire aided by Lady Death to wipe out entire lineages that have aided and abetted in racism and violence. The idea is that when your memory is erased from your living family member, the bloodline is eradicated.
Written and Directed by Monika Estrella Negra
Executive Producer - Mariam Bastani
Produced by 4 Mile Circus and Audre's Revenge Film
Original Score - VO / An Out Recordings
Animation by Kelly Gallagher
In African Traditional Religon (ATR), the concept of ancestral warfare exists. DB is the living legacy of their family, of which an ancestor (their great grandmother) murdered a maid during the time of the east coast riots. While DB is now 'radical' and a member of the queer subculture, their racist lineage manifests into microaggression. Lydia, is a different sort of vampire aided by Lady Death to wipe out entire lineages that have aided and abetted in racism and violence. The idea is that when your memory is erased from your living family member, the bloodline is eradicated.
Written and Directed by Monika Estrella Negra
Executive Producer - Mariam Bastani
Produced by 4 Mile Circus and Audre's Revenge Film
Original Score - VO / An Out Recordings
Animation by Kelly Gallagher